The City of New Prosper

  • Seated along mountains and grasslands, the city has built itself into an enormous landscape that continues to grow by the day. Though vital to the world aground, the vastness of the city lends itself to insular perspective amongst its citizens; very few have reason to think about the world outside New Prosper. 

    Defined by hustle and bustle, growth and progress, and–most of all–work, the city’s infrastructure revolves around its recent booms in industry and development of new technologies. 

  • In Upper Prosper, a well maintained tram system runs between districts at quick speeds.

    In Lower Prosper, the public transit system operates Astra-powered buses to navigate the city’s expanse. Most individuals use e-bikes or smaller Astra rickshaws, though wealthier residents may have their own aerocars. 

    The Funiculars, magically tethered carriages, transport passengers between Upper and Lower Prosper. Their pathways glow as an ever-present beacon visible everywhere in the city. Commuter passes are difficult to acquire and often require employer sponsorship.

  • Core values developed through the turmoils of war continue to survive in peace. Cooperation, labor, and duty remain paramount to New Prosper’s residents and industries.

    As society re-established itself, the Guild System arose as a necessity to smooth rebuilding, then it became central to the way of life: one’s trade is as important an identity as one’s family. Most residents take on an aspect of their trade or official Guild as their last name, though some families with a powerful legacy or prominent historical connections may choose to maintain a family name.

  • Legacy families, war profiteers, and new money have made the floating fortress into a luxurious locale. The platform houses prestigious elite and important city-wide industries. Key Locations include The Constellation, the wealthiest district; The Engineering Core, home of Central Astra Processing; and The Gardens, vertical farms and defunct weapons facilities.

  • What once served as the Astra mines has developed into a sprawling metropolis in its own right. Everyday laborers make their home here while the youth embark on their journey to become the future of the city. The continuous glow from the levitating engines of Upper Prosper endlessly beats down on the lower city.

    Key locations include Minetown, an enormous Astra mine and the first districts established in its orbit; The Come-Up, where the young people of New Prosper learn and train for their guilds; Habastibarra, aka The Barra, the entertainment and pleasure district; The Edge, outer farmlands and agriculture; and Hillside, the budding suburban residential district.



The world changed forever at the discovery of the mysterious material known as Astra. With the magical power source, thought and fantasy could be brought to reality. 

However, with this discovery came immense danger. Deposits of Astra were viciously guarded by immense beasts, Balverox, that quickly grew territorial and aggressive in their domain over the resource. The terror escalated over decades, with sprawling, violent attacks driving society to the brink of destruction. 

Civilization retreated to a flying fortress, harnessing the power of Astra to mount one last stand. Using the power of the Astral Bomb, the scourge was wiped from the planet.


After the war, the floating fortress was brought to a halt, people returned to life on the surface, and the fortress transitioned to civilian residence. Astra remains prominent, its use now embedded into the fabric of society, making the mundane more magical (and the magical more mundane).

The repurposed stronghold and the communities below joined together, thus commemorated as the city of New Prosper: a beacon for hope and progress for the new age of civilization. 

Yet despite the rally of unification, the progression of the city’s growth as a metropolis leaves residents largely stratified into Upper and Lower Prosper: the persisting glamor of the floating success, and the toiling reality of the ground.


This campaign takes place 60 years after the war. New Prosper is a bustling metropolis full of life, hopes, and dreams - all of which enhanced by the magical convenience of Astra-powered technology. But just because the war is long over, that doesn’t mean dangers have ceased. Under the thin veneer of peace and unity lies tension, manipulation, and mysteries unsolved.

Our heroes awaken from an ominous dream spelling peril for New Prosper. While making their way through their mundane young adult lives, they’re pitted against an unknown supernatural force – one that most can’t even remember. 

The world as they know it is not what it seems. The foundation of New Prosper is shaky. 

Can they stop it before it all comes down?